Swansea Area Ratepayer’s association (SARA)

The Swansea Area Ratepayer’s Association (SARA) encourages good government, improves living conditions in the Swansea Area, and promotes the interests of its’ residents.  New members are always welcome.  Join us as we work to preserve and enhance those features which have made Swansea a unique community in Toronto.

Membership Information

To join or renew your membership in the Association you need to complete and return the membership form with a cheque made payable to, “Swansea Area Ratepayers Association” to the address show on the form.  To access the membership form please go to the website.

Scheduled Meetings

The Swansea Area Ratepayers Association (SARA) holds their executive meetings at 7:30pm on the 3rd Tuesday of every month (the 2nd Tuesday in December). There are no meetings in July and August.

Meetings are held in person at Swansea Town Hall and virtually on Zoom.  If you have an issue that you would like addressed, or if you would like to attend a meeting, please email the association at swansea@swansearatepayers.ca.

Please contact us at
(8am to 10pm Mon-Fri and 9am to 5pm Sat)

Contact us for more information on room rentals, programs & community services at Swansea Town Hall Community Centre